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Sept. 9 Deadline for State Park Management Plan Comments

Aug 19, 2024

In 2014, we helped save Honolua from commercial development, but we knew preservation alone wasn’t enough. Proper management was essential. After years of planning with key community members, lineal descendants, cultural practitioners, and engineers, the State created a management plan for Honolua State Park. However, the plan was delayed due to COVID and recent fires.

The State has now set a Sept. 9 deadline for final public comments before implementing the plan. This is our last chance to suggest any additions or changes.

Key features of the plan include:
- Limiting non-resident visits by removing roadside parking along Hwy 30.
- Charging non-residents for Bay access.
- Keeping the surfer’s access road off-road for 4WD only while improving drainage and adding a second entrance up top for parking and emergency access.
- Creating an interpretive program to highlight the area’s historical, cultural, and natural significance.
- Building a raised boardwalk in the valley to protect the land and guide visitors.
- Prohibiting and enforcing restrictions against commercial activities, tours, and buses in the parking area.
- Managing camping at Punalau.

For a summary of the plan and the environmental impact study, visit

Save Honolua is also advocating for new additions:
- Lipoa Point: Introduce native planting and farming with an eco-tourism component for funding and labor, a cultural trail, and bioremediation for chemical and plastic contamination.
- Parking and Shuttle: Support a paved or gravel parking lot at Lipoa and shuttle service for bay visitors.
- Surfer’s Access Road: Propose a new exit route to create a one-way loop for busy days.

Submit your comments by September 9, 2024, to Support our ideas if you agree. Mahalo!

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